Monday, February 4, 2013

Gandhify Your Life

As a college student, I am very busy so my schedule is pretty hectic. Class, homework, church, social life and little things in between, then do it all again the next day. Sleep often gets left out. I find myself getting super anxious and burned out from trying to do so much. I neglect to take care of myself in more ways than one. Why in the world did the idea come that being busy is best? I know it is good to be productive, but I need to get it out of my head that that is what is valuable in the long run. I need to find the balance and take time to slow down. But I don't need to tell you that, my dear friend Elder Uchtdorf tells it much better than I.

Isn't this Mormon Message incredible?! It is one of my favorites. 

More and more I am coming the realization that I need to take time to slow down. I need to take time to just sit and meditate. At first I thought of meditation as a "hummmmmm dilly dum hummmmmmm" stuff you see in the movies with Indians floating with their legs crossed and fingers out being all Gandhi like. But the more I have thought about it there are actually a lot of benefits to it as well. 

Rachel's List of Meditation Benefits:
My dear friend Gandhi-face

1. I can take time for myself and unwind.
2. Take away the pressures and overstimulation that comes throughout the day.
3. Be able to think clearly without the buzz and commotion of life.
4. I can come closer to God.
5. Become a problem solving genius.
6. Become more peaceful.
7. I get to say "hummmmmm dilly dum hummmmmmm" without feeling silly.
8. It is optimal nap opportunity if I feel so inclined.

*I'm pretty sure there are many more benefits but I haven't meditated about them fully yet.

"Meditation is the language of the soul. Meditation is a form of prayer... Meditation is one of the most secret, most sacred doors through which we pass into the presence of the Lord."
-President David O. McKay

So in order to become closer to God and to figure out my life I need to take a moment and just stop. It is okay to be still and to take time for me. I need to take care of myself spiritually, mentally and physically. Even if it sounds weird to meditate, I feel as though it is working. Taking time for me is okay and it will help me in my every day life. 

So a hummmmmm dilly dum hummmmmmm to all and to all a good night!

Half turbans help in the meditation process. They allow extra inspiration.
I was going to do a full turban, but it made me feel like I was back in my bald days so I decided against that. 
PS: Observe how long the locks of love are getting! Woot woot, ten points to Ravenclaw!

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