Friday, September 3, 2010

A Cute Little Tune

Skyler sang this little tune to me today. It is to the tune "In Our Lovely Deseret" because I was humming it on the phone to him earlier. (I am a dork and come up with little songs to hymns, so now he does too. We're cute.) It kind of sums up our feelings of having Chemo over with...

You should have got treatment today but it is over yay hooray!
Now you are the cutest bald girl in the world!!
I will kiss you on the face, then i'll challenge you to a race,
To the temple and be sealed for eter-nity
(Sound effect: bum bum bum bum, chii chii-Symbols)
(Now here is where I come in, insert lots of sound effects here...)
HARK HARK HARK the children singing,
Rachel is over Chemooooo...
She beat Hodgkin's Lymphoma and is happy as can be,
Ha ha, take that Cancer, now I can be freeeeee!

If the song doesn't really make sense, then that is okay. You get the point. If you ever see me, I shall sing it to you. But it was great coming up with it! I quite enjoyed it.

Ha, aren't we cute? Yes, yes we are.


  1. haha I love this song!!! You guys are so great!

  2. ha ha... I didn't really get the rhythm until I realized I MISSED the instructions! Now I have the song stuck in my head!
