Check up Day Events:
- Blood work
- Drink Barium Contrast (Which is the consistency of glue by the way.)
- Get injected with Iodine Contrast (Which makes you feel warm from head to toe and you feel as though you peed your pants.)
- CT scan
- Doctor's examination
The greatest part of the day was during the doctor's exam. Like I mentioned in a previous post, I have advanced from my regular Oncologist Dr. Wallentine to a Nurse Practitioner. The NP for the day looked over my scans and gave me some incredible news. Not only I not have any remaining tumors, the kidney stones I had from previous scans are no longer in my kidney!
He also said that I do not have to come back for six months instead of the three months that I have been doing. I have officially graduated! Can I get some Vitamin C up in here?! It is a really good feeling knowing that I am well and continuing to recover slowly but surely. It is wonderful to know I don't have to worry as much about appointments and feeling like cancer will never end. The doctor even said that I am cancer free/in remission. What a relief! I already knew that, but it is still nice to hear from the professionals.
I always feel pretty anxious about my appointments just because it's a scary thought that my cancer could come back the same or in a different form. But knowing that I am well enough to only be every six months is such a relief.
I am going forward with faith and trying my best to be healthy. I am on the road to full recovery. One day, cancer will be just a vague memory. I am feeling very blessed and grateful at this moment.
Rachel-you are a spectacular woman.