Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So here are two current pictures of what I look like now. Well as of 20 minutes ago. It may be longer now because it is a fast growing machine! No longer am I the adorable bald girl you loved and adored. Now I am the adorable furry girl you love and adore even more than you ever thought you could. I have taken to combing it and pulling it back because it is so tangly and is always in my face. That is kind of annoying I must admit. Ha ha.

Get a good look at that full luscious head of hair!! See the soft sparkle and shine? Oh yeah. It is really thick and way dark!! It hasn't shown any signs of being curly, but there it still really early to tell. Doesn't it look good? I have been getting into this habit of twisting little sections between my fingers when I think or when I drive. My uncle told me if I do that then it will become a habit when I have long hair again, so hopefully it won't become a habit. I just like to feel that I have hair again is all.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures as much as I enjoy not being bald. Which is a lot.


  1. You look so cute! So happy your hair is coming back in! Just in time for the cold! Hope you are doing well. We are so excited that you get to go back to school and that life is beginning to return to normal for you and Sky! Love you guys!

  2. Yay! You're the prettiest fur-ball I've ever seen! Rachel, you'll have pigtails in no time!
